Vanessa Neckerchief- various colours- READY TO SHIP

Vanessa Neckerchief- various colours- READY TO SHIP


Wear our new zero waste triangular neckerchief as a scarf, a cravat or even in your hair. The hardest bit will be deciding what to order, because they're available in all of our responsibly sourced cottons and linens - a great way to put our bigger sized off-cuts to a very stylish use.

Measurements: 95cm along the longest edge. 47cm from long edge to centre corner.

For more information see below.

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Fabric – All fabrics are offcuts from our latest collection. We promote sustainability in the studio and have chosen to creatively utilise the offcuts from our gorgeous fabrics.

Handmade with love in our Isle of Wight studio by - Maddie, Rosie, Amber, Heather and Sharon.

Shipping: Click here to view our shipping options.

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Millie Dress (short length) - Greige linen- MEDIUM- READY TO SHIP

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Elsie Tee (Long Sleeve)- Khaki stripe linen- MEDIUM- READY TO SHIP

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Rosheen Scrunchie

Millie Peplum Vest - MADE-TO-ORDER WHOLESALE processed_02c0fb8c00ff458785e662ad40d3f5ab.jpeg


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Ventnor Cascade Tote
